Press Room

Tina M. Harris Elected NCA's New Second Vice President

Nine Other Members Begin Leadership Positions in January


January 8, 2024
Association News

Tina M. Harris, Ph.D., is the Douglas L. Manship and Dori Maynard Endowed Chair of Race, Media, and Cultural Literacy at Louisiana State University, is NCA’s new Second Vice President. Her four-year term began January 1, 2024. 

Dr. Harris is an internationally renowned interracial communication scholar with particular interests in race, media representations, and racial social justice. Her pedagogy, research, and service at LSU are driven by her desire to empower others with the communication and critical thinking skills necessary for becoming global citizens. The end goal of these efforts is to equip students to use an applied approach where theory leads to practice in a world where racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity are a welcome inevitably.


From the Vision Statement of Dr. Harris

After 32-years of service to the National Communication Association, I remain committed to assuming leadership roles that directly align with our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 adopted by the Legislative Assembly in November 2022.  While my service and membership pre-date the plan, I am excited and encouraged to see that NCA is continuing to evolve and remains committed to becoming a space where all members feel connected, valued, and affirmed. There is so much potential that lies in our research, teaching, and service that can and does lead to transformation and necessary change, and I want to remain a part of the leadership that nurtures these changes and encourages leaders and members alike to be a part of the process. I have had the great fortune of being involved in the Leadership Development Committee of NCA, the Research Council, Finance Committee, and other committees whose missions have been to strategically create opportunities for engagement and support from members from all backgrounds, ranks, and realities. Aside from winning several high profile NCA awards, I have also served on countless NCA awards committees and top-tier editorial boards in the field, made 143 presentations as a presenter, chair, or respondent, and earned 49 awards, among other notable accomplishments. Collectively, these experiences are a testament to my dedication to NCA, the field, and scholarship. I am very familiar with the inner workings of academic organizations and recognize their role in the professional development and success of students and faculty; therefore, I will continue to mentor and support colleagues who also hold NCA in high regard.




Leadership Development Committee

Elected to serve a two-year term  

· Trudy Milburn, Southern Connecticut State University

· Ariel Seay-Howard, North Carolina State University

Legislative Assembly – At Large

Elected to serve a three-year term

· Emory S. Daniel Jr., Appalachian State University 

· Lindsey J. DiTirro, Gannon University

· Rico Self, North Carolina State University

Nominating Committee

Elected to serve a one-year term 

· Reginald Bell Jr., Monmouth College

· Nick Linardopoulos, Rutgers University

· Déjà Rollins, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

· Avinash Thombre, University of Arkansas, Little Rock